Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Essential nursing skills for parctice (English)

The contents of nursing skills yang harus di kuasai oleh perawat pada umumnya adalah

  1. observation and monitoring,
  2. Resuscitation
  3. intravenous therapy
  4. central venous catheters
  5. nutrition and hydration
  6. medicines
  7. elimination
  8. prevention of cross infection
  9. wound assessment
  10. patient hygiene
  11. respiratory care
  12. immobility and associated problems
  1. TRUST, bina rasa percaya, show your confidence
  2. RESPECT ABILITY, menghargai pasien tanpa memandang dari mana pasien itu berasal kaya miskin, tua muda, ras, etc.
  3. UNDERSTAND, get information of patient - baca data-data pasien sebaik-baiknya diagnosis, past history, allergic, riwayat dirawat, etc.
  4. SUPPORT AND MOTIVATION, berikan dorongan or support bahwa segala sesuatu yang mereka sedang hadapi pasti akan membaik.
  5. TEACHING, provide a health education (pendidikan kesehatan)
if you would like to know more or detail of what is the nursing skills above, akan di jelaskan lebih rinci lagi di article selanjutnya, just keep check in of my blog or you are becoming my follow. will be published soon....

written by Riss