Monday, April 26, 2010

How to get A visa sambil kerja and earn DOLLAR in Australia for Free,

Teman2 perawat di Indonesia,

Punya keinginan pergi ke Australia? sedikit punya modal buat holiday ke Australia, jangan pesimis karena saat ini mereka sedang menyediakan visa kerja sambil liburan for "FREE" satu tahun!! sudah gitu kamu bisa
lumayan bukan?kita bisa liburan kita juga bisa kerja, pingin tahu caranya?
  1. Of course, your English must be improved first, you can test your english capabilty by IELTS or TOEFL kamu bisa tanya ke staff berapa minimum untuk persyaratan keluar negeri? kalau gak salah recently their change the score, it should be 5 for each brand, if you feel competent enough with your English ability then you can log in or applying to get free working holiday visa.
  2. Your nursing skills must be up to date maksudnya cari info tentang masalah keperawatan in Australia karena between Australia and Indonesia ada perbedaan slightly.
  3. if you have a bit money for deposit you can just get it done go to Australian Immigration in Jakarta and find out an information about the job opportunities. if you don't have enough money? find out the Agency or sponsors which may recruit you as their staff, because siapa tahu kalau kamu sudah fully understand of nursing and fluent in English, they may be impressing on you.
  4. lastly, or go to this website FREE WORKING HOLIDAY
  5. By the time you get here don't worry we have a number indonesian community will assisst you to reside or you can contact me.
So, all be ready jangan pesimis don't give up! masa depan di tangan anda if you change your future and improve standard of your life why you just try this simple metode, think about the world - NURSES IS BEING DEMANDED BY THE WORLD

1 comment:

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