Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to notice immediately patient with acute condition

If acute changes to the patient and patient's condition is immediately life-threatening, you need to concern to the following of the deteriorating criteria,
  1. Airway ---- threatened / obstructed
  2. Breathing---Respiratory rate kurang 8x/mnt atau lebih dari 30x/menit
  3. O2 Saturation---- kurang dari 90 percent
  4. Circulation---- heart rate kurang dari 45x/menit atau lebih dari 130x/menit
  5. Systolic BP---- less than 90 or more than 200 mmhg
  6. Neurological ---- seizures, decrease level of consciousness
  7. Urine output---- less than 200 mls per 8 hours
  8. BSL---- less than 3
whilst you find patient's condition deteriorates further as above, you require immediately help.
get the doctor in-charge or senior staff to reassess the patient.
All the deteriorating criteria mentioned above can virtually cause the death if respond is unable to stabilise within 1 hours, to prevent death, escalation extremely required.

Written by Riss

1 comment:

  1. Good posting...!
    salam kenal dari rekan sejawat di ujung timur Nusantara (Papua).
    Tukeran Link ya...
